Category Archives: Organisation

Everything to do with getting myself more organised

Tip on finding things

If you cant find something easily, remember where the first place you looked for it was and then when you find the item (or give up and buy a new one) keep in the first place that you looked. That way you will never wonder where it is again.

Everything in your house needs a spot to call its own. That is the only way to conquer chaos. Even if that home is a junk drawer. There is nothing wrong with having a junk drawer, as long as it is only home to items that dont have a home elsewhere and the junk drawer is the first place you look for that particular item.

What if you dont have room for everything to have a home? Then you have a couple of choices –

a) get rid of some stuff

b) invest in better systems

c) move to a bigger house.

a) is the most logical answer. Most of us own more than we really need, use and love. Therefore the easiest way to have a more organised life is to have a purge. I know this is not always easy and if often emotionally charged, but always worth it in the end.

b) is useful if you are honest with yourself. No amount of storage bins and organisational gismos will help if you simply have too much stuff, but the right tools are useful….ie a shoe rack can help double the shoes on display in your wardrobe, wall hooks etc can help extend storage space in a shed etc.

c) Can be a costly and time consuming exercise, but it is useful if you have pared down to the bare minimum and still struggle, or if you are family of two adults and two kids living in a one bedroom flat, then I think you need to accept the fact you need a bigger place.